HOME >> Tpage Verification

In order to increase the credibility of membership & reliability of its information, Tpage.com carries out the member authentication right now.

In order to establish company network with certainty & accuracy of the membership identities, we have been filtering the membership who does have verifiable member registered Info and who doesn't.
Please update and confirm your member Info for the authentication. Then, will appear on your company directory listing.

This Tpage verification icon, related to other membership concern of your company reliability, will last for 6 months. In other words, after 6 months of no certain login records or updating Info, your company will be fallen behind from and, later on, out from the verified company lists which can be determined by whether appears or not. You, since now, must login and update your Info at least once per 6 months.

In many respects of not only Tpage company network but also world's reliable e-trade community establishing concerns, this authentication is inevitable for you and your trading partners at Tpage.com.
In this authentication, which can give you a hassle updating your Info every 6 months, we don't aim this for our exclusive profits but certainly aim to increase the essence of trusts and reliabilities between company members; furthermore, your updates of company Info will be the fundamental factors increasing credibility of your company for others to trust your company reliability not only in Tpage.com but also in all the online trading communities.
After all, Tpage Real Trade Network can be established by each of your little attentions and neccessities. Please take this into your careful consideration beyond the thought as "hassle" of updating member Info.

Simple as below,
Login with your ID & PW
After Login, please click on the My Info, appearing at the right top of every page in Tpage.com.
Please update and edit your member Info at the page. Then, click on "Modify" button at the
     bottom of the page.
After all, you may be able to find , with a "Verified" sign note as you put a cursor on the icon,
     at your company listing.
Please make sure your mark will be removed after 6 months of no certain updating Info.
     So please confirm your member Info every 6 months.
However, we will notify you constantly through email upon your deadline for updates so that you
     don't have to remember when to update in future and when to be updated in past.